Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day!!

Happy Veterans Day to all you Veterans and whatever branch of service you freely served in and Wars past! And to all you who freely serving in harms way during this Veterans Day keep it safe.

And Happy Veterans Day to all you salty behind the ears squids and shellbacks like me from the Navy. I proudly served there too.

I remember my very first Veterans Day as a Veteran. Iraq had already invaded Kuwait and I was on deployment aboard my first navy ship in the Arabian Gulf with out navy battlegroup awaiting orders to strike. I was in engineering a GSM and I was barely 18 years old. I remember all those days, I used to think all day long if i would ever see home, my friends, my family, if i would make it to 19 years old. I guess i did. Served 8 long years.

I will always miss my buddies. They were like a brotherhood that only someone that's been there can ever understand.

Wish all you who both proudly and freely served or payed the price in service to country, Happy Veterans Day!

My old ship and last command USS Bunker Hill CG-52. Its a she, and she can do and deliver allot of solid fast dps!


Andrew said...

Albeit a day late, happy veterans days. You are right with one thing, it is a brotherhood that few can understand. I spent time in the South African army during a difficult period of our history.

Skarlarth said...

"My old ship and last command USS Bunker Hill CG-52."

Holy Cow! "last command"? Sir, yes sir! /salute

A very belated Happy Veteran's day to you sir. Been out of commision with a bout of "Ham-thrax". Back on my feet now, happily catching up on the updates I missed.

Skarlarth and Co.