Monday, June 15, 2009

WoW Weekend Update 06/15/09

Very much eventful it was and that is all.

Ok I worked all weekend on the Job on the night shift which is 12 hours long a shift on top of at least 2 hours commute time. So I got off this morning. Tomorrow I'm back to working days, so i have a killer less than 24hr turn around from working nights back to working days. Life!

So there was no Raiding, Heroics, No Dailies and whatever else. I didn't even log onto my Paladin to see what's up with my still fairly new guild. As far as my new guild goes they probably think I hardly ever show up much at nights or some nights. Like said before I don't really feel much at home their either. So much for things with RL and WoW at times.

So the only thing I really managed to do all weekend was lvl my new Shaman to lvl 10 and sell a few glyphs. Those weekend players were out in numbers because my mailbox was exceedingly light with all the people flooding the glyph market and lowering every ones profit margin across the board. Midweek selling always fair better for me anyway.

On the weekend stopped by my local book store chain and picked up the "Arthas" book by Christie Golden. I have yet to start reading it. Always stuff to do among other stuff to do.

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