Thursday, August 16, 2007

Guild Fun: Azeroth Running of the Bulls


Yes if your wondering this was actually hosted by my Guild: It came from the Blog the official WoW Insider Horde Guild on Zangarmarsh on Tuesday night but with a lot more people involved. Yes its a official guild also. Unfortunately I missed it due to the Job thing. Working nights all this week. However It was so much FUN on FUN that the sounds of running Hoofs had the Zangarmash server reved up in FUN and laughing their asses off to no end. The rest of the server came out to kill Tauren Cows in Masses at Stormwind. Cows got Slaughtered, Grade A Beef was been made and someone forgot to set up the BBQ stand in Stormwind because it was a Slaughter house there if there was ever one at all. Send the sanitation patrol to Stormwind please!

Since I missed it all I could do was laugh my ass off at all the FUN I missed because it was just too much FUNNY FUN. Hey WoW is suppose to be FUN, hang up the raid for a night and have some FUN. Its the only reason I play WoW, for the FUN. Check out the Write up over at WoW Insider linked above because that is even better over there.

Edit: Add link to the Photo Gallery.

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