Posted those since I know some readers and those that theorycraft on the tanking class of various class and races will be interested in knowing what stats are at 80 without gear. Enjoy!

Edited: Added pic & stats in current gear.
The Life and Times of a Veteran Protection Paladin, sometime's dead and resurrected on his Journey with his band of brothers through World of Warcraft. Can I even remember how to Paladin anymore...
Hey Galo. Long time no talk heh, but yea that is pretty beast. I would like to see you in all your gear and not buffed, i want to see how much spell damage a prot pally gets soley from the talent. or you could just tell me, either way I would love to see they way your gear looks.
Spell Damage would be 30% of Stamina as that would be the only source of spell damage one has from the talent Touched by the Light.
I'll throw a pic up in a bit anyway.
Just wondered what talent spec you were using. I keep flipflopping on a couple of them
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